Monday, December 9, 2019

Yulin Dog Meat Festival-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Choose one news item that is of your Interest and has Ethical Issues concerning any entity Offer your own judgement, analysis and recommendation of the case. Answer: Introduction The dog meat festival commonly known as the Yulin Dog Meat Festival is held in Yulin, Guangxi, China. The festival took place during summer solstice where festival visitors eat dog meat. The festival originally began in 2009 and run for an estimated tenure of 10 days. Around 10,000 15,000 dogs are consumed during the festival. The festival is criticized by much animal welfare organizations and the animal supporter group (Worley 2016). Background The dog meat festival began over 400 years ago in China. People participating in the festival believe that the dog meat helps in relieving with the heat in summer months. There is no medical evidence in the support of the logic behind the festival. The number of dog consumed in the festival has gone up in 2015 bringing attention of people around the world over it. The dogs are paraded in wooden crates and metal cages for the purpose of consumption by the local visitors (Koetse 2016). While slaughtering dogs is common in China, the festival is a representative of cruelty and lack of hygiene. Some of the pets slaughtered are either stolen or the one who are unwell. The animals are sent to the festival in a small cage without proper food and water. The slaughtering takes place in front of the live animals. Psychologically the animals watching the slaughtering in front of them create a high amount of fear. Scope Unethical practices are the action that falls outside the purview of the moral activity. For the purpose of gain, an individual can act unethically at any front. To understand the concept of ethical issues the dog meat festival is taken and examined from the ethical point of view. Ethical Issue Thousand of dogs are butchered for human consumption every year and forced to travel long distances. The dogs are kept in small cages and wait for their fate. They watch the other dogs being butchered right in front of them. There are some reports that some of the dogs are beaten and burnt alive. The worldwide media coverage is increasing the concern around the world and bringing the attention of worldwide welfare organization in order to bring a positive change (Ethic Center 2016). There are sad stories from the festival have created a worldwide news bringing attention to the issue. People in China are following the ritual only due to the age old ceremony that dates back to around 500 years. The Westerners frequently act in response to the outrage of eating man's best friend. According to Chinese tradition, consumption of dog meat is supposed to ward off the heat of summer. This belief in an age old custom is an ethical issue where the whole world is moving towards transformation. S elling dog meat in China is legal in mainland China. This festival is a way to make money in the poor region Of China. The reason behind condemnation of this festival is due to the cruel treatment of the animal. The dogs are paraded in wooden crates and metal cages for the purpose of consumption by the local visitors. Video and photographs shows the sad story behind the small cage. Critics have claimed that most of the dogs are stolen and cooked alive (Piazza 2015). Moreover there are certain health concerns regarding the animal cruelty and has raised concern about the meat sold at the festival. The dogs are transported in a poor condition with cruelty, Though Chinas food and safety organization has banned selling meat in such a condition. But the situation is still same; a large number of unvaccined dogs are sold without any proper care. In 2008, WHO has raised issues in order to create awareness among people? The Humane Society International called Yulin as a "festival of cruelty" and articulates that the majority Chinese citizens would despise what take place in the local area (Henderson 2016). In 2015 Expert like Peter Li went surreptitiously at Yulin in May and witnessed arrangements for the festival in full sway. Mass dog slaughter is still a part of Chinese ritual and taking place at Yulin in spite of the local system. There are efforts by the social activists to end the practice in future. The Yulin government has affirmed the 'festival' will not happen in future (Baggini 2015). This is mere semantic and thousands of dogs will die in future for meat in the name of ritual. There is no medical evidence in the support of the logic behind the festival. The ethical issues have created a fury in the global history for the reason that the cruelty against animals should not be supported at any cost. Many activists have raised their voice against the festival on the social media asking localities to boycott it. The global concern pertaining to the festival has raised the matter (Petkar 2017). What do Chinese Thinks about the festival There is a cultural difference in attitude of people in the West and China. The animals are not seen with the same affection in China. Some people accuse westerners approach as hypocrite as the county has a long history of industrial meat trade killing million of animals every year (Smith 2016). Animal supporter group argue that China should make progress with the time and should prevent cruelty against animals. Chinese celebrity such as pop stars Chen Kun and Yang Mi has protested the festival on the social media. Since then opinion is turning against the festival and local government has disassociated since 2014 forbidding its employees to attend the local festival (Linshi 2016). Many activists have raised their voice against the festival on the social media asking localities to boycott it. In the recent time the meat restaurants are asked to shift the large scale open air meat consumption inside. The dogs eaten at the festival are burnt or boiled alive and there are reports that dogs are clubbed or beaten to death. It is done due to the belief that this increases the adrenalin circulation in the dog adding more flavors. In the 2015 festival there were long queue outside large restaurant selling the dog meat for around 4 (5.60) per kilogram (Sudworth 2014). The animal righ t NGO Best Volunteer Centre asserts that the city has more than 100 slaughterhouses. These places are processing between 30 and 100 dogs a day. The Yulin Centre for Animal Disease Control and Prevention argues that the city has only eight dog slaughterhouses selling 200 dogs approximately. This amount increases to 2,000 dogs throughout the Yulin festival (Plant based news 2017). Aftermath Due to the continuous efforts of the activists around the world Yulin the home of the notorious Yulin Festival has banned the slaughter of dogs. Millions of dogs are stolen from homes and are driven thousands of miles transversely in China. They are being slaughtered in front of each other for meat. The cruelty has recently been banned due to the efforts of new party secretary Mo Gong Ming (Hong 2017) The ban will take place with effect from June 15 and will last until June 22. This will cover the core festival days when 10,000 of dogs are killed. Anyone selling the dogs in these days will be strictly punished with fines of up to 100,000 Yuan 11,200. Despondently the ban includes dogs, but it has elevated hopes amongst animal rights activists. In 2016, there were reports that the activists and dog lovers across the world were moved by the heartbreaking images of dogs and cats trapped in cage in the name of age old ritual (Pettier 2016). There are continuous practice around the world where activists around the world travelling hundreds of miles across the country to try and rescue some of the dogs. Even the ban is temporary but this short time-period ban will have a long term effect. This will surely lead to the disintegration of the dog meat trade. The ban is constant by means of knowledge that Yulin and the rest of the country will be changing for better. The younger generation in Yulin is becoming empathetic and do understand the concern related with the issue. This measure is considered as a big nail in the coffin for a horrible occasion in China. This has symbolized an end the Chinas crime-fuelled dog meat trade. In the last year the Yulin festival has gained remarkable attention in news. This has however allowed created awareness among people (Guo 2015). Unfortunately, it will take some time for the country to ban the festival completely. Many dogs and cats will still be killed in the name of the festival. However, this is surely a landmark conquest and in coming few days we expect that the authorities will take strict actions against those who participate in the activity. It is only due to the consistent determination of the activists that the dog slaughtering in Yulin this year has reduced to 2,000 to 3,000. More efforts are required in the field so as to reduce the condition (Dervin and Machart 2017). There is worldwide awareness campaign to create awareness and to support the concern by banning the killing of dogs in the name of the festival. Different social activist organizations have asked public to sign a petition in order to seek support. This has however helped in creating local government awareness. It is due to the effort that the ban has taken place with effect from June 15 and will last until June 22. This will cover the core festival days when 10,000 of dogs are killed (Milburn 2016). Despite of all these changes in the surroundings the new generation of Chinese animal lovers more and more observes dogs as friend. People across the world have horrified at what happens at Yulin and have came together in order to raise their voice in order to create a difference. It is very bad that The Yulin Dog Meat Festival will carry on taking place in spite of the current action (Li 2016). It is up to people that they should come jointly as one voice to let local Yulin government to know that the international society is up roaring deafeningly "STOP YULIN" forever! The reason behind condemnation of this festival is due to the cruel treatment of the animal. The ethical issues related to the festival need to be given importance by creating more and more awareness. Many dog lovers around the world have come together and from around the world to call on the Chinese government to discontinue the cruel activity carried every year. The Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying lately explained that the Yulin government has nothing to do with the festival (Hong 2017). The event is locally carried by the people from June 21st every year. The question here is regarding the ethic as well as the legal status of the festival. Selling dog meat in China is legal in mainland China. This festival is a way to make money in the poor region Of China. The reason behind condemnation of this festival is due to the cruel treatment of the animal. There is no law in China that bans the eating of dogs. This proposes that the disagreement over the Yulin occurrence is solely moral and not legal. The reason behind the concern is only due to the campaign followed by the dog lovers around the world. The country does not have any legal dog farms, nor does it have any legal dog slaughter houses (Senarath 2015). Hence it is unclear from where does the Yulin festival dogs come from. There is a big question regarding the status. There is still a necessity to probe into the matter by generating awareness among the people and the local authority. The festival is completely fatal on every ground, not only for the people but for the community. It puts a big question on the local authorities and generates a necessity of moral policing in order to reduce the amount of damage caused (Dervin and Machart 2017). Recommendations Though, the local government has banned the festival in the year 2017 and has taken strict measures to reduce the overall impact caused due to the festival. There is a necessity to take strict measures not only at the government level but by the people in order to reduce the amount of damage. Cruelty at Yulin is the result of the inadequate animal law. There is a necessity to develop a concrete law in order to avoid Yulin festival. There is a necessity to create awareness by tracking responsibility. It is more important in the current scenario that the government authority should take action against such activities taking place in the surrounding. Most of the citizen in China needs to support the change by joining hand. There is a necessity to work at the grassroots level by reporting such incidence to local authority. Animal cruelty is prevalent in China and there is a necessity to educate people in a healthy way so that they can get understand the value of environment. Ethical and social awareness is important in the current scenario. The current situation can only be controlled if people support the measure in an effective way. It is important to educate the next generation so that they condemn such activities. The amount of torture these animals faces is beyond ones imagination. The festival is banned due to the effort that the ban has taken place with effect from June 15 and will last until June 22. But it is important to keep a check so that these activities are banned permanently from the surroundings. The key responsibility is to manage the evil in the society I the name of ritual. This has bec9me important in the recent time and will help in setting example for the rest of the world. Conclusion To conclude, the report includes the idea behind the unethical activity taking place in China- The Yulin festival. The idea behind the foundation whether the festival is related to the cultural relativism is being discussed. The idea with the intention of ethical viewpoint is related to the culture and there is no universal ethical system. Ethical viewpoint are different in every country but it is of great importance that such incidence in surrounding need to be highlighted. The ethical beliefs and principles are indivisible from the culture they come. The report focus on the ethical and moral issues related to the festival and brings the attention of people around the world to the gruesome reality. The worldwide media coverage is increasing the concern around the world and bringing the attention of worldwide welfare organization in order to bring a positive change. There is a necessity to incorporate changes for the betterment of the society. Reference List Baggini,J.2015. Is it OK to eat dogs?. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 13 June 2017 Dervin, F. and Machart, R. eds., 2017.Intercultural Communication with China: Beyond (Reverse) Essentialism and Culturalism?. Springer. Dervin, F. and Machart, R. eds., 2017.Intercultural Communication with China: Beyond (Reverse) Essentialism and Culturalism?. Springer. Ethic Center. 2016. Yulin dog meat festival: when can we criticize different cultures? Online. Available at: Accessed on: 13 June 2017 Guo, L., 2015.An emerging social movement in China: frames and activists in dog-rescue actions(Doctoral dissertation, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University). Henderson, E.2016. Yulin Dog Meat Festival 2016: 10,000 dogs to be killed and eaten at China's annual food event. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 13 June 2017 Hong, C., 2017. The Plight of Dogs in the Country-City Gap: Reading Chinese Dog Narratives across Genres.Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies,43(1), pp.97-117. Hong, C., 2017. The Plight of Dogs in the Country-City Gap: Reading Chinese Dog Narratives across Genres.Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies,43(1), pp.97-117. Koetse, M. 2016. Tradition or Abuse? Chinese Views on the Yulin Dog Meat Festival. Online. Available at: Accessed on: 13 June 2017 Li, P.J., 2016. Inside Yulin Dog Meat Festival: The Silence of Dogs Awaiting Slaughter is Thundering. 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